Professional » SAP

(ab)using eCATT for continuous performance monitoring

This is a re-recorded version of my presentation given at the SAP Inside Track Berlin on September 2nd 2017. Apparently, there were some kind of audio issues during two of the sessions, one of them being mine - so instead of simply dropping the slides off somewhere and leaving you with an incomplete presentation, here is a recording of the slides with voiceover. 

Stop Coding, Start Ruling

This is a repost of an SCN blog article available here

System Landscape for Add-On Development

This is the second part of my answer to Christian Drumm's question What System Landscapes Setup to use for Add On Development? - and probably more of an answer to the original question than the first part.

Branching = Hard

This is a repost of an article posted on SCN.

The Delivery Barrier

This is a repost of an article published on the SAP Community Network, extended by a proposal I made later in the discussion.

ABAP Trapdoors: Size Does Matter

This is a repost of an article published on the SAP Community Network.

Welcome to another ABAP Trapdoors article. If you are intersted in the older articles, you can find a link list at the bottom of this post.

Enhancing NWP1 workload statistics

With SAP Note 1609418 which dates back to 2011, the Clinical Workstation (NWP1) was extended to provide additional application information for the workload statistics (transaction STAD).

ABAP Trapdoors: CALL TRANSFORMATION id(ontwork)

This is a repost of an article published on the SAP Community Network.

Welcome to another ABAP Trapdoors article - the first one posted using my new SCN user. If you are intersted in the older articles, you can find a link list at the bottom of this post.

Combining Object Services and Change Documents

This is a repost of an article published on the SAP Community Network.

How can I combine Object Services (OS, aka persistent classes) with Change Documents (CDO)?


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